If you are looking for tips and tools to support the successful inclusion of your child in school, including information on getting your child ready to enter school for the first time, the links below provide information on topics that may be of interest.
Becoming School Ready
This fact sheet provides tips and tricks to prepare your child for entry to the school system.
FDK Questions and Answers
Strategies that will help prepare your family for Full Day Kindergarten (FDK).
Strategies to get your child ready for school
A resource created by the Ontario Ministry of Education with strategies to help your child be ready for school.
Ontario Special Needs Roadmap for School
This is a roadmap that helps parents navigate the Ontario school system for their child with an identified need.
The Special Education Gateway
The Special Education Gateway is described as “your passage to effective strategies and resources for teaching students with special needs in Ontario’s elementary and secondary schools.” Although designed for teachers, the site offers a wide range of topics and ideas that may be of interest to families as well.
Resolving Identification or Placement Issues
This fact sheet provides information to families as they seek school programs and services for their child.
Reaching a Shared Solution
This fact sheet provides information to families as they work with those supporting their child at school.