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In the summer of 2011, Resources for Exceptional Children and Youth - Durham Region was Lead Agency on a community project funded through the Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Services and endorsed by the Durham Best Start Network.

Through the work of community partners and CMCS Consulting, the No Wrong Door process was created.  The purpose of No Wrong Door is to make it easier for families living in Durham Region to connect with the services they want for their children ages birth to 13th birthday.  As part of this project, a User Guide explaining the process was created.  Decision Charts use the information provided by a caregiver to lead the family to a service provider that may be able to assist them.  A Family Information form to gather background information and a Consent to Share form were also created to support this process.  

The No Wrong Door process builds on existing community resources.  When you have identified a service that may be of assistance to the family, use the following resources to learn more about that agency's services, referral process and to obtain contact information.

Services for Children Birth to Six Years of Age with Special Needs in Durham Region

The Funding Guide for Young Children and Families

Child Care Services Guide

Family and Child Support Services Agency Listing

Red Flags: Early Identification in Durham Region 


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