If you are a professional looking for support services for children with special needs, this section includes information on a variety of topics.
Durham Region Information for Child Care and Early Learning Professionals
This link provides information about services and learning opportunities available in Durham Region.
Resources for Exceptional Children and Youth - Durham Region
R.F.E.C.Y. provides a variety of services and supports that are available to child care community. Click here for a map of the services that are available.
Child Care Services and Supports
This document provides information on what is available to support your licensed child care program.
No Wrong Door
This is a process that any service provider can use to assist families to connect to the services they want for their children ages birth to their 13th birthday.
College of Early Childhood Educators
If you are seeking information related to the standards and practice of early childhood educators, please visit their website.
Ministry of Education
This website contains information to support Child Care professionals including on modernizing child care, Ontario’s pedagogy, legislation and more.
Early Learning Framework
This is a guide to support early childhood programs in Ontario.
How does learning happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years
This is a professional learning resource for those working in child care and child and family programs. It supports pedagogy and program development in early years settings that is shaped by views about children, the role of educators and families, and the relationships among them.
Think, Feel, Act: Lesson from Research about Young Children
Access this resource, created by the Ministry of Education in collaboration with leading experts in the early childhood field, to support educators working in early years settings in their continuous professional learning.
Pedagogical Inquiry: Exploring "How Does Learning Happen?"
This resource, created by the Best Start Network Child Care Sub Committee, provides Inquiry sessions to help bring the province of Ontario’s vision of pedagogy to life.
Covid-19 Personal Stories
These documents provide a variety of personal stories for children around the Covid-19 Pandemic.
- What is Coronavirus: Covid-19?
- What If I Have to Wear a Mask?
- Screening When I Arrive at Child Care
- Physical Distancing
- How to Stay Safe and Not Share Our Germs
- Greeting a Visitor