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We are pleased to share with you resources that we hope will support you in the development of Individualized Support Plans.  As stated in Reg 52(1), “Every licensee shall ensure that an up-to-date individualized support plan is in place for each child with special needs who receives child care at a child care centre it operates or premises where it oversees the provision of home child care”.

The information being shared today is the result of brainstorming by members of our community.  Resources for Exceptional Children and Youth – Durham Region would like to thank the following for inviting us to be part of this work:

Jody Chapman, Fairy Glen Child Care Centres

Heather Cook, Kids’ Campus Child Care Centres

Jennifer Hughes, P.R.Y.D.E. Learning Centres

As a small group, we met to share information and to brainstorm an approach to the requirement for Individualized Support Plans. Through this partnership, a package of information to support the development of Individualized Support Plans was developed. This information was presented at the Supervisor's Network meeting on March 2, 2016.  In addition a package of information was provided to each child care centre.  The information is also provided below.


Update - June 14, 2016

The Ministry of Education is currently reviewing if a parent can refuse an Individualized Support Plan for their child; we recommend that you discontinue using the Consent for Refusal to the Development of an Individualized Support Plan until a further update is provided by the Ministry of Education.  

Removal of #4 of the Policies and Procedures is also recommended which reads:

4. If the parent/guardian does not consent to have an ISP in place, the parent/guardian will sign the “Consent for the Refusal to the Development of an Individualized Support Plan”. This will be housed in the child’s record and the parents’ rights will be respected. 

Please note that the requirements of the Individualized Support Plan come into effect August 29, 2016.  Please refer to the Child Care and Early Years Act Ontario Regulation 137/15 Part II 6.1 for more information.


Policy and Procedure 

Recognizing that a policy was required for the ISP, this document can act as a starting point for centres in writing a policy for implementing the ISP.  In addition to a policy statement, steps on how to implement the ISP process have been included in the procedure section of the document.  


Authorization for the Release of Information 

This form can be used to document a family's permission to share the ISP document with community service providers.


ISP Template 

The format for the Individualized Support Plan includes demographic information, a place to document the child's strengths as well as areas that the team would like to focus on to enhance the child's development, participation and inclusion.  The ISP can then be developed, including all required information.  Signature by parent or other parties can be added, based on the child care centre's policy.  A sample of the ISP can be found here.


Creating a Plan and Ideas of Focus Areas 

Helpful information on creating a plan, possible areas of focus, and activities, routines and equipment that may be included to support area of focus. 


Domain Goal Sheets  

These templates can be used to document the activities, routines and equipment from the ISP in a user friendly format that can be posted in key areas of your program.  A sample of the Domain Goal Sheets can be found here.


This information is provided for your consideration.  We encourage you to personalize the information based on your program, philosophy and policies.  We also recognize that this information has not been reviewed or approved by the Ministry of Education.  We encourage you to adapt the information provided to the needs of your centre as well as to feedback received from the Ministry of Education.


We welcome any feedback you may have; please do not hesitate to forward any comments, questions or concerns.

Our hope is that you will find this information helpful as a starting point as you implement Individualized Support Plans in your centre.