The links below are provided to assist those who are seeking information on child care options, supports and services.
Child Care and Children’s Program Locator
If you are looking for child care including full day, before and after school or for school breaks, this link will provide information about the services for families and children in the Regional Municipality of Durham.
Child Care and Children’s Programs
This link will be of interest if you are seeking information related to child care including Child Care Fee Subsidy or how to choose child care.
Child Care Services and Supports
A listing of services and supports that provide services to children attending local child care programs.
Government of Ontario - Find and pay for child care
The early years are important, and have a long-lasting impact on a child's future. This site has information and resources to help you find the right type of care for your family, support your child’s early learning and development, and find child care options near you.
Services from Resources for Exceptional Children and Youth
This chart explains the services that are available from R.F.E.C.Y. to child care programs.
Resources for Professionals
Additional website links of interest to professionals working in the field of Early Learning and Child Care.